Urban Design & Design Standards
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Wade Associates has prepared urban design plans for boulevard revitalization, urban infill, and design standards for new development projects both as stand alone documents or as supplement to a specific plan or other complex document.
Harter Specific Plan Design Guidelines. City of Yuba City CA 2003.
Design Guidelines and Development Standards for the Laguna Ridge Specific Plan. City of Elk Grove, CA 2002.
Double Diamond Ranch Residential Community PUD Design Guidelines. Washoe County, NV 1995.
Silverbrook Design Guidelines. City of Folsom, CA1992.
North Roseville Area Design Guidelines. Roseville, CA 1992.
Lantech Business Center Design Guidelines. Roseville, CA 1992.
Rocklin Downtown Revitalization Plan and Design Guidelines. City of Rocklin CA 1988.
West Auburn Boulevard Special Planning Area Ordinance and Streetscape Master Plan. Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency and County of Sacramento, 2006.